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When Experience and Relationships Count!

Today's political environment is as dynamic as anything you will find in the private sector.  Partisanship, high turnover rates among elected officials and the complexity of most issues have all played a role in this dynamism.  The image that many people have of how government or the legislative process works -- images often formed  in school -- no longer hold true.  To be successful in this policy environment you need a government affairs specialist who has a firm hold on the realities of how government operates today.  


I have extensive grassroots organizing experience, working with citizens and organizations in over 80 of our state's 100 counties.  I have managed Congressional campaigns and I have conducted advocacy training, collaboration, and other workshops for organizations in over a dozen states.


Prior to starting Solari Government Solutions I served as Director of Government Relations and Liaison to the General Assembly for State Treasurer Janet Cowell.  I have also served as Director of Government Relations and as lobbyist for our State's Smart Start Program and was Executive Director of the Wynona's House Child Advocacy Center. 


In addition to representing my clients at the General Assembly I continue to be engaged in the academic world.  I am preparing the next generation for the serious work of being a citizen as a "Teaching Assistant Professor" of Political Science at N.C. State University.  



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